Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Can I get an X?

Why yes, yes you can!!
I don't have much to write and wanted to keep the momentum up, so thought I would back track a bit.
We're going to have to change the name of this here blog. 'Cause we are adding a X to the family! I know it's hard to believe. I still can't believe it. August 17th was a pretty exciting day for the Phillips' family. We thought for sure we were having a boy. Why wouldn't we? It's what we know. We already have two. We have the clothes, the toys, the linens! How did that happen?

But a girl it is. I believe I let out a little yelpy cry when she said it. It was truly a shock. Q was not so excited. He really wanted a brother. Or so he thought. By that afternoon he was asking all kinds of questions about his baby sister.
At the begining she was making me pretty sick, but about week 16 I started to feel better. And even though I was so sick and home with the boys, I was trying to count my blessings.

This is my last one. My last pregnancy. The last time I will feel a baby kick from the womb. And it's so amazing. It's a feeling you can't describe, one that only a once pregnant woman can understand. One that changes your life forever.

Now that I am feeling better and she is growing and healthy I can enjoy it so much more. I've never had to do fetal count kicks. All my babies have spent their free time kicking me. And I LOVE it. It reminds me, they are healthy and growing and strong.

She doesn't have a name yet. We are close. I've been calling her lady bug because one landed on my tummy, right after we found out she was a girl! I have had fun searching Pinterest for girly things!! Clothes, room ideas, decorations, etc. The boys were exciting to shop for too, but it's exciting to shop for something new (& PINK!).

Here is lady bug and I at a bachelorette party! I was 20 weeks and just found out (and shared with my girlfriends) that baby was a girl!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute! This little ladybug is going to be precious and so well taken care of by her older brothers who aren't so sure about her yet. They are going to love her. How fun to get to buy all the girly stuff! Something new. :)
