Friday, July 9, 2010

36 hours post op

It's been about 36 hours post tonsil and adenoid removal and Q is doing awesome!

We left for the hospital at 5:30am. I wasn't completely sure where we were supposed to be. I ran into the lobby to check if we were where we were supposed to be. NO ONE was there. We were supposed to be there at 6. We weren't that early. There were cameras everywhere. Didn't security see me? I was so annoyed and maybe just a little nervous. I figured I was in the right place and I went back to the car to get Chad, Q and a diaper bag full of things to keep Q occupied. I had no idea how long we would have to wait, what the surgical set up would be, and I didn't want him to get anxious.

Q waiting in the lobby

Shortly after we checked in we were called back. I was a little anxious. Well maybe a bit more than "a little". They called Q by his fist name (Q is his middle name) and I didn't even acknowledge them! It was a triage set up. Beds and curtains. I was even more anxious now. I was worried there would be older kids or scared kids etc. I thought for sure Q would be freaked out. They sat us in a corner "room" where Q slowly woke up. We tried reading but he was too distracted. The nurse came and checked all his information and gave him a bracelet. This made his day. Last time he had one it said big brother. They also gave him a bunch of stickers and his mask to decorate.

Q & his bracelet

Nurses, Dr D and the anesthesiologist all came by to check all the details. CQP, 4-4-07, 32 lbs, tonsils and adenoids, yes, yes, yes and yes. They gave Q something to ease any nerves, make it easier to leave us, and allow them to mask him. It was vicodin for kids. The nurse warned us, not to let him walk or sit on his own. I was wishing this was happy hour...I could have used a little nip myself. Not to mention something to ease my nerves, make it easier to leave him and if they wanted to mask me, that would have been fine too. I could have used the nap. He was "drunk" with in ten minutes. Now I see why she warned us. HYSTERICAL.

They came to get him. He snuggled up with his blanket and Oliver. The nurses were impressed that Oliver had a name. They said they see lots of "puppies" "doggies" & "rovers". They were questioning our heritage with a name like Q and a dog named Oliver. They explained to us the process and timeline. And then just like that they whisked away my baby. To put him to sleep and preform surgery. He didn't even notice they were taking him or the fact that I wasn't even with him!

30 minutes later Dr D came to see us in the lobby. He went through what they did (took out tonsils and adenoids) nothing surprising, completely textbook. That's right. Completely textbook. That is how we do things around here. By the books. Which is why we are so thrown for a loop when something doesn't go as typical. Dr D did say the nurses were impressed by his golf ball size tonsils. And that he was glad we did the adenoids. Even that he was not surprised about. During our consult he said he was pretty sure he was going to have to take them out, but there was no way of knowing until he got in there. He went through the prescriptions he would be calling in and what to expect over the next 7-10 days. He did warn us that Q would still snore (as well as breathe through his mouth) for a few more days.

Good thing he did because when we got to go back and see him he was typical Q a freight train. We got to pick him up and snuggle until he came to. The nurse took out his iv, we got him dressed and we were done. By 10am we were home.

He never really came to. At least yesterday. Today he was back to himself (I think all the red and blue popsicle dye was helping in that department!!!). We even stretched out his medicines to every 4 hours instead of 3. We were told to expect him to have good and bad days.

He is learning how to take advantage of this popsicle/icee/smoothie/gatorade/sherbert every half hour...

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